Hover Featured Image

A secondary image is being used along with featured image in order to create a hover effect. Featured image appears above the entire post on posts page and above the content on single post page. Featured image alignment can be changed from Theme Options.

Duis tincidunt odio in arcu sagittis elementum. Nullam porta facilisis est, in tempus enim cursus malesuada. In feugiat vestibulum arcu in convallis. Phasellus quis hendrerit massa. Donec vulputate metus at est porta commodo. Phasellus congue convallis lectus, nec gravida nibh volutpat vitae. Etiam lacus purus, congue non dictum non, fermentum in ex. Nunc tristique odio sed nibh iaculis rhoncus et nec velit.

Post with Featured Image

This is gallery post. Your theme comes with built-in slider / gallery plugin and allows to create unlimited sliders. Gallery post provides a selectbox that you can assign a slider / gallery to the post. That being said, same slider can be used on different pages.

Image source http://nordes.by
